Plemons hits Shot Heard ‘Round Greenback; Send Cherokees to the state title game
By Dan Fleser MURFREESBORO – Reese Plemons toured the bases early Thursday evening intent on not keeping his teammates waiting.
read full articleBy Dan Fleser MURFREESBORO – Reese Plemons toured the bases early Thursday evening intent on not keeping his teammates waiting.
read full articleBY DAN FLESER MURFREESBORO – Ashton King got a preview earlier this week at what was coming on Thursday afternoon.
read full articleBy Mike Blackerby MURFREESBORO — Bri Blair and Halls live to play another day — or at least a couple
read full articleMURFREESBORO — Zane Keener’s right hamstring, the one that has nagged him over the final leg of this season, was
read full articleBY DAN FLESER MURFREEBORO – Zach Schrandt told his Gatlinburg-Pittman soccer team at halftime Wednesday night that they still had
read full articleBY DAN FLESER MURFREESBORO — Collin Lewis stood before a free kick Wednesday night that looked old-friend familiar to him. Bearden
read full articleMURFREESBORO — Another amazing day of photos from Danny Parker at the TSSAA Spring Fling. Check out all his shots
read full articleBY MIKE BLACKERBY MURFREESBORO — Talk about a wild night at the old ball park. The King’s Academy had the lead,
read full articleBY JESSE SMITHEY MURFREESBORO — Webb School of Knoxville senior Niki Narayani and junior Jasmine Jefferson made the perfect combo
read full articleBY JESSE SMITHEY MURFREESBORO — After dropping its first game Wednesday, 13-6, to Summertown, the Greenback baseball team responded in
read full articleFind all our interviews and highlight videos here!!
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